We can often equate worship as what happens on a stage on a Sunday morning. The Bible offers a greater understanding of worship. To truly worship God, we embrace a posture of bowing low in reverence or ascribing worth to God. When we relegate worship to 2 or 3 songs that we sing, we miss out on the opportunity to bow our hearts, minds, and souls to the King of Kings. When we approach God with a heart bowed, giving Him worth, our entire world changes. We embrace a life that puts Him and His Kingdom first and we walk out the words of Paul in Galatians 2:20 –
This is the point of embracing an entire lifestyle of worship. When troubles come, I am bowed low before the King. When life looks great, I am bowed before the King. My time, my energy, my sorrows, and my joy all become tools in the hand of the maker because I am handing them over to Him as worthy to take them and make something greater. When I worship with my life, I realize that only God is worthy of praise and begin to truly evaluate the other things that I’ve been worshiping instead. Embracing this lifestyle of worship is a daily practice – even Jesus tells us that, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” This is our true act of worship.